140g butter, chilled and diced Butter butt-err Butter is made when lactic-acid producing bacteria are added to cream and churned to make an…
250g plain flour
zest 1 lemon Lemon le-mon Oval in shape, with a pronouced bulge on one end, lemons are one of the most versatile fruits…
100g golden caster sugar
1 egg, beaten Egg egg The ultimate convenience food, eggs are powerhouses of nutrition, packed with protein and a…
1 tbsp whole milk
250ml double cream
250ml milk Milk mill-k One of the most widely used ingredients, milk is often referred to as a complete food. While cow…
1 vanilla pod, split
1 strip lemon zest
whole nutmeg Nutmeg nut-meg One of the most useful of spices for both sweet and savoury …
8 egg yolks
100g golden caster sugar