Cod Couvillion. A flavour packed Newfoundland Cajun fusion recipe!

"Cod Couvillion. From Newfoundland to the Gulf of Mexico this Cajun fusion recipe from Louisiana native Courtney Howell, is so flavour packed!..."

1/2 cup vegetable oil (approximately, plus a little more for frying the fish)
¾ cup flour
1 cup onion
¾ cup bell pepper
½ cup celery
2 tbsp garlic
1 bay leaf
½ cup Newman’s Port
5 cups Lobster Stock ( or seafood stock)
14.5 ounces canned tomatoes
1 tsp sugar
2 tsp sea salt
2 -3 tsp Cajun Spice Mix (See note below.)
4 tbsp unsalted butter
6 Fillets Cod
3 cups cooked short-grain rice
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