Classic Whoopie Pies

"Classic Whoopie Pies have cocoa cakes with a creamy marshmallow filling. Is there anything better than a cake sandwich??..."

1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 stick (8 tablespoons, 1/2 cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup packed dark brown sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups whole milk
1 1/2 cups Marshmallow Fluff
2 1/2 sticks (20 tablespoons, 1 1/4 cups) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
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