Classic Roast Prime Rib of Beef au Jus

Classic Roast Prime Rib of Beef au Jus was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"Perfect prime rib is an easy undertaking if you follow a few key steps. The most important is using an accurate digital thermometer. This is the only way to ensure the desired doneness, which hopefully is a perfectly pink medium-rare, when the flavor and texture are at their best. This prime rib recipe will work no matter what size roast you're using. A great rule of thumb is each rib will feed 2 guests. So, a 4 rib roast will serve 8 guests...."

1 standing beef rib roast (4 to 7 ribs, 9 to 18 pounds)
fresh course-ground black pepper, as needed
kosher salt (or other larger grain, flake-style salt), 1/2 teaspoon per bone
softened butter, 1/2 tbsp per rib of beef
large metal roasting pan with at least 3-inch sides.
2 tbsp flour
1 quart cold beef broth
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