For the Brown Stock
8 pounds veal marrow bones sawed into 2-inch pieces
6 pounds beef marrow bones sawed into 2-inch pieces
16 ounces tomato paste
4 cups chopped onions
2 cups chopped carrot
2 cups chopped celery
4 cups dry red wine
1 bouquet garni
Salt and pepper
16 quarts of water
For the Espagnole Sauce
1 gallon brown stock, hot
1 1/2 cups brown roux
1/4 cup bacon fat
2 cups chopped onions
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup chopped celery
Freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup tomato puree
1 bouquet garni
For the Demi Glace
1 gallon Espagnole sauce, hot
1 gallon brown stock, hot
1 bouquet garni