pancakes with fresh cherries

Recipe by
Chicago, IL

This year the cherry tree is full of cherries and I need to make use of them in many of my recipes. So I made these pancakes.They are really good and I like them cold.

yield 10 serving(s)
prep time 15 Min
cook time 15 Min
method Pan Fry

Ingredients For pancakes with fresh cherries

  • 1 1/8 c
    all purpose flour
  • 2 lg
  • 1 c
    plus 1 tbs. of kefir or buttermilk
  • 1 tsp
    baking powder
  • 1 Tbsp
    confectioners' sugar
  • 1 c

How To Make pancakes with fresh cherries

  • 1
    Mix kefir,eggs,and sugar. Add flour and baking powder.Gently add pitted cherries.
  • 2
    Let the dough rest for 10 minutes and then drop a 1/4 cup of the dough on a hot iron pan.Fry on both sides until golden brown.Sprinkle with powdered sugar.