sausage gravy 101

Recipe by
Fran Miller
Parkersburg, WV

There are few things more "Southern" than Sausage Gravy & Biscuits on a Sunday morning. This recipe is a "basic" recipe, meaning I'll give you some measurements, then send you out on your own to develop the Sausage Gravy that will become your own treasured family recipe.

Let us all know what you come up with. The sharing between "Recipe Friends" is also a Southern tradition! =^..^=

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yield 4 -6, depending on serving size
prep time 5 Min
cook time 20 Min
method Stove Top

Ingredients For sausage gravy 101

  • 1 lb
    roll of your favorite sausage or a quart of homemade cold-packed sausage
  • 1/4 c
    or more of all-purpose flour
  • 2 c
    or more of milk
  • some
    salt & pepper, to taste
  • 2 Tbsp
  • 1/2 tsp
    teaspoon of sage, nutmeg, or poultry seasoning
  • some
    chopped onion or green pepper or garlic
  • some
    chopped bacon or bacon grease
  • using
    half & half, instead of milk

How To Make sausage gravy 101

  • 1
    All sausage gravies start with browning the sausage in a skillet. This is also a good time to preheat the oven for your homemade biscuits or the ones you get in a can. (We won't tell which ones you use!)
  • 2
    WARNING! UNCOMPENSATED PRODUCT ENDORSEMENT! (Although I'd be glad to take the company's call, if they want to change that!) =^..^=

    I love the ChopStir nylon chopper for changing a roll of sausage into sausage crumbles. It also works well for ground beef.

    However you do it, brown the sausage until you have sausage crumbles.
  • 3
    There are two schools of thought for the next step:

    1. Add flour to the browned sausage crumbles and drippings.

    2. Remove the sausage with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Add flour to the sausage drippings (or 1/2 the drippings and some butter or bacon grease).

    Stir the flour until lightly browned. (As you can tell, I opt for Option 1.)

    Put the biscuits into the oven about now.
  • 4
    Add milk to the flour mixture. Stir constantly until the milk is heated and the gravy starts to thicken. Add salt & pepper to taste, if desired.

    If you removed the sausage in Step 3, stir it back into the gravy at this point.
  • 5

    If the gravy is too thin, cook it awhile longer. If it doesn't thicken soon, stir a few Tablespoons of flour into 1/2 cup of COLD water. Stir well. Add to the gravy & heat up. That should fix it.

    If your gravy is too thick, stir in some more milk or water to thin it down.

    The thickness of the gravy is strictly a matter of personal preference.
  • 6
    With a little luck, the biscuits and gravy should be done at the same time.

    Serve hot & often! =^..^=
  • 7
    ABOUT THE OPTIONS: The truth is, I don't use any of them, but I looked up some recipes online and these seem popular in some parts of the country. I'd probably add the vegetables & bacon to the raw sausage so they could cook together. The spices would probably be added to the cooked meat or after the milk was added. Whatever you do, make some notes and share your findings. Always enjoy playing with your food!