everything but the kitchen quiche

Recipe by
'Ria Murphy
Bean Station, TN

This Quiche is fast, delicious, and freezes beautifully. You can put just about anything in it... This is a small farm, and we rarely do food small here, so I made four today because I have 8 dozen eggs to use up and gotta start somewhere... :)

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yield 16 serving(s)
prep time 15 Min
cook time 45 Min
method Bake

Ingredients For everything but the kitchen quiche

  • 1 pt
    heavy whipping cream
  • 6 lg
  • 2
    pie crust shells
  • 1/2 c
    fresh spinach
  • 1/2 c
    mushroom pieces
  • 1/2 c
    grated cheese
  • 1/2 c
  • 1/2 c
    bacon bits
  • 1/2 c
  • pinch
    parsley flakes
  • pinch
    dried thyme
  • pinch
    dried basil
  • pinch

How To Make everything but the kitchen quiche

  • 1
    Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  • Dont forget emoji
    Remember, after the pie shell, all the ingredients are optional. It just depends on what you want to make.
  • whipping cream clinging to beater
    First, whip the cream until you get peaks. As if you were making whipped cream for a dessert, only no sugar.
  • eggs whisked in a bowl
    While the cream is whipping crack your eggs into another bowl and whisk them good. Like scrambled eggs.
  • pouring egg into cream mixture
    Once the cream has reached the desired texture, turn your beater on low, and slowly incorporate the eggs.
  • 6
    This recipe makes TWO standard pie sized quiches. Half fill your prepared pie pans/crusts with your egg/cream mixture. Sprinkle desired seasonings in each.
  • 7
    Add your choice of chopped ingredients, 1/4 c of each to a prepared pie. For instance: for a spinach, onion, mushroom quiche, here I would add 1/4 c mushrooms, 1/4 c spinach, 1/4 c onion (all finely chopped and spread to cover the egg mixture).
  • 8
    Finish filling the pie shells the rest of the way with egg/cream mixture.
  • 9
    Sprinkle 1/4 c grated cheese over the top of each, if desired.
  • 10
    Bake for 15 minutes on the middle rack. Drop the temperature to 350 degrees F, and bake another 25-30 minutes. Quiche is done when knife inserted in the middle comes out clean.
  • 11
    Allow quiches to set up out of the oven for 10 minutes before serving.
  • 12
    To reheat:
    Thaw quiche for 1/2 hour on the counter and bake at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes.