quick scrapple

Recipe by
bob morey
nyc, NY

Add/subtract hot sausage according to your heat level.

yield 4 bread pan loafs: serves 25
prep time 3 Hr
cook time 30 Min
method Broil

Ingredients For quick scrapple

  • chef bob’s shortcut scrapple pennsylvania scrapple is a delicious pork dish that was created from leftover bits of pork skins, jowls, snouts, ears, heart, tongue, brains, kidneys, head meat, liver, pork bones, etc. not many of us can slaughter an ent

How To Make quick scrapple

  • 1
    Once you have all the ingredients in bowls in front of you, Take the juice and fat from the bottom of the pan and slowly pour some of it if into cereal, mixing it into cereal until it is a thick smooth roux. This will prevent lumps when you add it to the broth. (Thick roux, not watery.) Put broth and meat in large pot that has a heavy bottom (stainless steel) and bring to a boil. Then low boil it for 10 minutes stirring the whole time from bottom to top to keep it from burning on the bottom. Slowly put the cereal a cup at a time into meat and broth, mixing it in before putting the next cup. Stir up from bottom to the top to keep it from burning. Once all the cereal is incorporated into broth, boil on medium heat for 10-15 minutes stirring continuously bottom to top to prevent burning it on the bottom. You have to cook the cereal. Once it is smooth and not grainy, put into loaf pans that have been oiled and bottom of pan lined with parchment paper. Place in refrigerator overnight. Next day, slice like bread, four it, put it on hot buttered non-stick frying pan. Fry until brown and crisp on bottom and carefully flip it over to brown the other side. Serve with scrambled eggs and pour Maple syrup on it. © 2014 R. Morey chefboblv4@gmail.com