maureen's hawaiian rolls

Recipe by
Maureen Herrell
Peculiar, MO

This recipe makes two dozen-one goes in the freezer for later. It technically maxes out most bread machines, but my 10 year old Breadman Ultimate handles it with a little help from a spatula.

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yield 6 -12
prep time 3 Hr
cook time 20 Min
method Bake

Ingredients For maureen's hawaiian rolls

  • 5 c
    bread flour
  • 1 Tbsp
    bread flour
  • 1/2 tsp
    ginger powder
  • 1/2 Tbsp
  • 1/2 c
  • 1 Tbsp
  • 6 Tbsp
    butter, room temperature
  • 2 lg
  • 1 c
    pineapple juice, unsweetened
  • 1/2 c
    water, warm
  • 3/4 tsp
    vanilla extract
  • 2 1/4 tsp
    bread machine yeast
  • PREP
  • shortening
  • bread flour

How To Make maureen's hawaiian rolls

  • 1
    Crack eggs into small bowl and beat slightly. Slice butter and allow to soften. If yeast or pineapple juice is in fridge measure and set out. Make sure that all of your ingredients (except water) are room temp. Mix flour and ginger. Set aside.
  • 2
    Follow bread machine instructions when adding ingredients. My bread machine wants liquids first, so I put the warm water, juice, butter, eggs and vanilla extract in first. I then pour the sugar in one corner, flour/ginger on top, and add the salt in opposite corner as sugar. Make a well in the center for yeast. Set machine to dough setting; keep door open.
  • 3
    Once dough is kneading faster (on mine it is knead2) take a spatula and get any flour that is in the corners. I will also poke the spatula into the dough ball a bit, making sure everything is mixed. The ball should feel tacky. Shut door.
  • 4
    While machine is working grease a 9x13 pan and small cookie sheet. Dust counter with flour and set out 2 clean towels and plastic wrap. When machine is done flour hands and grab the dough. Set it on floured counter and punch down. Separate into 2 sections; cover with towels.
  • 5
    Uncover one section, form 2 equal parts. Divide each into two equal sections. You will have 4 sections. Cover with towel. Take one section, divide into 3 and place in greased 9x13 pan. Divide remaining 3 sections and place in pan. Cover with plastic wrap and place in warm place until doubled. In the winter I put them on top of my dryer.
  • 6
    Uncover 2nd large section & repeat dividing steps, placing each ball onto greased cookie sheet. Place, uncovered, in freezer for a couple hours or until firm enough to keep shape. Place in freezer bag and store for up to 3 months. To use either allow them to allow rise in the fridge over night or place in warm spot until doubled.
  • 7
    Preheat oven to 325. Place doubled, uncovered rolls in oven and bake for 20-30 minutes or until tops are slightly browned. These rolls are forgiving, if you are cooking something else in the oven they're happy on the bottom rack anywhere between 300 and 350 degrees.