kitten head biscuits

Recipe by
Fran Miller
Parkersburg, WV

OK, I know they are supposed to be Cat Head Biscuits, a drop biscuit about the size of a cat head, but my family likes them a little smaller. =^..^=

This is a Basic Drop or Rolled Biscuit 101 recipe, perfect for beginners. They are so quick & easy to make, why would you "whomp” a can or use biscuit mix when you could have fresh & preservative-free? Once you get the basic idea, check out some of the variations and share some of your own creations. Savory biscuits are usually drop biscuits, but sweet biscuits can go either way. Few things in life are more fun than playing with your food.

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yield 8 -12, depending on serving size
prep time 15 Min
cook time 10 Min
method Bake

Ingredients For kitten head biscuits

  • 2 c
    all-purpose flour** (see note in step #1)
  • 3 tsp
    baking powder**
  • 1 tsp
  • 1/2 c
    crisco shortening or butter
  • 1 c
    milk or buttermilk
  • some
    melted butter, optional
  • 1/2 c
    finely shredded cheddar cheese & 1/2 tsp. garlic salt or garlic powder*** (see step #11)
  • 2 Tbsp
    parmesan cheese
  • some
    finely grated onion and/or peppers
  • some
    cooked, crumbled & drained sausage with some shredded cheese**** (see step #12)
  • 3-4 Tbsp
    white sugar, with more for sprinkling over the tops--great for strawberry shortcakes@@ (see step #13)

How To Make kitten head biscuits

  • 1
    **You can use 2 cups of self-rising flour in place of the flour, baking powder, and salt.
  • 2
    Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Prepare your baking sheet by spraying it with cooking spray. Set aside.

    OR, if you want a crispy bottom on your biscuits, pour a few tablespoons of cooking oil on a rimmed cookie sheet and place in the oven to heat up while you're making the biscuit dough.
  • 3
    Stir together the dry ingredients. (I use the large meat fork that came with my silverware set.)
  • 4
    Cut in the Crisco or butter with the large fork, 2 knives, or a pastry cutter, until well-mixed and crumbly. Make a "well" in the center of the mixture.
  • 5
    Pour the milk in the "well" and stir only until everything is mixed.

    If you don't have the cookie sheet with oil heating up in the oven (see Step #2), you can let the dough rest for a few minutes before spooning onto the cookie sheet. Some folks swear this makes a lighter, fluffier biscuit.
  • 6
    Drop the dough in large (or not so large) spoonfuls onto the prepared cookie sheet.

    NOTE FOR ROLLED BISCUITS: If you really want to, you can sprinkle a little flour on a flat surface, dump out the dough, knead for about 20 times, then roll out the dough to about 1/2" thick with a floured rolling pin. Double the dough ONE TIME so that it's about 1" thick. (This makes for easy biscuit separation after baking.) Cut out the biscuits with a 2" round biscuit cutter (or jelly glass, if you are "old school"), brush off the excess flour with a pastry brush, and place on the prepared cookie sheet.
  • Kitten Head Biscuits
    Bake at 425 degrees F. for 10-15 minutes, or until the edges of the biscuits start browning. (I usually tip one over a little early to check the bottom.) The size of your kitten or cat head biscuits affects the baking time. The biscuits in this photo look a little "light," but they were browned on the bottom and done in the middle. The color of your biscuits is definitely your call. Brush the tops of the biscuits with melted butter, if desired.
  • 9
    ...butter & Homemade Apple Butter, butter & jam or jelly, butter & honey, or even, if you are truly from the South, Chocolate Gravy.
  • 10
    My family also likes biscuits with I'll have to take a photo of Hamburger Gravy over Biscuits next time. =^..^=
  • 11
    ***Adding cheddar cheese & garlic powder/salt to the basic biscuit recipe is a quick way to make a copycat version of the Cheddar Bay Biscuits found at a certain national seafood chain. You can also melt a little butter & add garlic salt/powder to brush over the tops of the warm biscuits for extra flavor. If that's too much garlic for you, just add it to either the dough or the melted butter.
  • 12
    ****Another old Southern recipe is sausage & cheese biscuits. Stir them into the biscuit dough before dropping onto the cookie sheet.
  • 13
    @@ For Sweet Biscuits, add the white sugar to the dry ingredients before cutting in the shortening. (I admit that I taste a little of the dough to make sure it is sweet enough.) You can "drop" them or "roll" them, cutting the rolled dough into rounds or squares. Brush off the excess flour before placing on the cookie sheet. Sprinkle with a little more sugar, if desired. Bake as directed in Step #7. Serve with sweetened strawberries, another fruit, or split & stuff with pudding. Don't forget the whipped cream! =^..^=