Bananas Foster

Bananas Foster was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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Dessert Recipe: Bananas Foster
Sure, it's cold out, but sometimes you get a craving for a frozen treat you can't ignore. Fortunately, when those ice cream cravings hit, there's a simple topping that adds some warmth, bitterness, and some complexity to a simple bowl of Ben & Jerry'
This warm, gooey, slightly alcoholic topping is actually incredibly easy to make. The ingredients are always in season, and it's also a nice way to make a simple bowl of ice cream look very fancy. Men, if you're reading, this is great way to impress
bananas foster free recipe
Bananas Foster
1 stick butter
1 cup packed dark brown sugar
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup dark rum
1/4 cup banana liquor
2 whole bananas sliced into quarters
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
a dash of cinnamon
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