Banana Split Cupcakes

Banana Split Cupcakes was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"Makes approximately 20 cupcakes if you're using a boxed mix (I know the box says 24, but those are pretty wimpy)...more if you use my scratch mix...."

One batch prepared white cake mix
2 tablespoons strawberry jam
red food coloring (if desired)
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
1 tablespoon strong coffee (or substitute water)
½ cup (1 stick) softened butter
4 ounces softened cream cheese
2 medium bananas, ripe but not spotty. Cut out any dark spots and mash well.
2 teaspoons vanilla
3 pounds powdered sugar
½ cup heavy whipping cream
10 ounces good quality dark chocolate (I use 70% cocoa)
2 level tablespoons coconut oil
Maraschino cherries.
Sprinkles, if desired
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