Apple Fritters

Apple Fritters was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Apple Fritters
1 fresh apple
1 cup all purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg ( beaten)
1/3 cup milk
(Makes a small batch of about 12 apple fritters)
1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2-3 Tablespoons milk (more or less) to get runny consistency
(Makes a small batch of glaze that is enough to lightly coat the fritters)
Deepfrying Ingredients
Pure Virgin Coconut Oil
*Our preference is pure virgin coconut oil as it has good health qualities and a tolerance to high heat.
Coconut oil will cook the fritters cook to a golden brown and are they are not greasy.
As coconut oil is pricey, you can strain the oil once cooled and put into a glass sealed container, keep refrigerated and use again for deep frying.
*You can substitute a vegetable oil, such as sunflower or canola. Be careful not to get the oils smoking.
Deep frying thermometer, tongs & paper towels
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