helpful suggestions for knox gelatine 2

(1 rating)
Recipe by
Pat Duran
Las Vegas, NV

More helps from Mrs. Knox from 1934. Before heating milk , rinse the pan with water and it will not scorch so easily. Sugar for fried cakes should be dissolved in the milk to prevent cakes from absorbing the grease while frying- the temperature of the fat must also be right. A few whole cloves in the kettle of fat, give doughnuts a nice flavor. In making fruit cake, pour half the batter in the pan before adding the fruit, then the fruit will not settle at the bottom of cake. When making egg custard pies, heat the milk to the boiling point before mixing with the eggs-(continued below)

(1 rating)
yield serving(s)
method Refrigerate/Freeze

Ingredients For helpful suggestions for knox gelatine 2

  • 1 c
    leftover stock,bouillon,diluted gravy or canned clear soup
  • 1/2 c
    cold water in bowl and sprinkle
  • 1 pkg
    knox gelatine sprinkled on top of water . add to hot mixture and stir until dissolved
  • season with salt and pepper, onion juice, lemon juice or worcestershire sauce.
  • cool and when mixture begins to stiffen, add
  • 1 c
    of any cold chopped meat at hand.
  • also add a little red or green pepper, celery, onion or parsley
  • turn into square mold that has been rinsed in cold water and chill. when firm,remove from mold and cut in slices for serving. this is served like an aspic with horseradish sauce.

How To Make helpful suggestions for knox gelatine 2

  • 1
    If this rule is followed, the under-crust will be crisp. To brown pies and tarts, use a small pastry brush and brush them with milk before putting them in the oven, and to glaze pies, brush them with the white of an egg if you wish them to be shiny brown. When baking large potatoes,in the oven, cut them in halves- it saves gas and the side cut gets a delicious crust. Leftover cooked potatoes must not be piled together as they sour quickly. Spread them out on a large dish. To hasten the cooking of vegetables, add a small pinch of baking soda to the water. In making rhubarb, cherry or any berry pie that is very juicy, try beating an egg light, and mixing in the sugar required by the fruit; add a little flour, mix thoroughly and then bake as usual. In this way excess of juice will be in the pie and not in the bottom of the oven. Try the gelatine berry pies. In cooking peas, wash the pods very thoroughly and throw them into a kettle of boiling water. When done, the pods rise to the surface and the peas stay at the bottom- they have a fine flavor when cooked in this way. Celery tops, save and dry them until crisp, then crush to a powder and mix with and equal amount of salt-good for soups and stews.Also dry the tops ,put into glass jars and use to flavor stews when celery is scarce. When using molasses and it is not as dark as desired for ginger bread or cookies, add a Tablespoonful of melted chocolate to molasses and spices, improving the flavor. --- Uses for stale cake: Cut in slices, toast and serve with fresh or canned fruit. Cut in strips and use to line molds instead of the expensive lady fingers when making a charlotte. Steam cake and serve hot with a sauce. Slice and put in a glass dish-cover with a gelatine custard mixture(Spanish Cream) and serve with or without whipped cream, whipped evaporated milk, meringue, fruit or a chocolate sauce. Use dried cake crumbs in cookies, muffins, etc. in place of part of the flour.
  • 2
    Stale cake and doughnut crumbs may be soaked in milk and used in place of the rye flour in brown bread. Uses for left over cooked cereals: use the following day as a dessert by molding in custard cups. Serve unmolded with fruit and cream. Or, mold cereal in a shallow baking dish, cut slices and fry in vegetable fat- serve with butter and sugar or with maple or other syrup. Left over pie dough: Cut rounds and press over the outside of muffin pans or aluminum jelly molds, bake and use for patty cases for creamed fish or peas or for a gelatine jelly or cream. Use boiled potatoes, left over for quick French fries. Always pare potatoes very thin- the most valuable part, the mineral salts, is directly under the skin. Soup making extracts the flavor only of meat and much of the food value remains. It may be used in many ways if seasonings are added to give an agreeable taste, and an egg for additional nutriment.
  • 3
    Uses for left over coffee: Make coffee Jelly, Coffee Spanish Cream or Coffee Ice Cream. Use in spice cake instead of sour milk or in boiled icing instead of the boiling water for a delicious mocha flavor. It may be used in custards, souffles or in fudge; it may be added to gravy before removing from the stove, resulting in a rich, dark coloring. Use instead of bluing for khaki goods and also for keeping color in ecru curtains. Left over jelly may be used for coloring icings and also adds a delicate flavor; use for a garnish on creams and puddings; or whip until light, add a few spoonfuls of whipped cream or whipped evaporated milk- chopped nuts, if desired- for a delicious sauce for puddings, ice cream or gelatine desserts. Drained juice from canned fruit can be used in making jelly(jelly refers to JellO) pour the jelly into a wet shallow pan and when firm cut in cubes or in fancy shapes with a cookie cutter. Attractive garnishes for brick ice cream may be made from the jelly.