Stuffed Dates or Stuffed Figs

PERIOD: Italy, 25 BC to Present SOURCE: Apicius 296 A home made sweet: remove the pits from palmyra...
(5) 1 rating

Apple Moye

PERIOD: SOURCE: Sallets Humbles & Shrewsbery Cakes, p. 70:
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Griddled Trout With Herbs

PERIOD: “Traditional” SOURCE: The British Museum Cookbook by Michelle Berriedale-Johnson, 1987, British Museum Publications.
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To seethe Fresh Salmon

SOURCE: To the Queen's Taste, p. 60: To seethe Fresh Salmon. Take a little water, and as...
(5) 1 rating

To Stew Trouts, Carp, Tench, & Fish

SOURCE: The Whole Duty of a Woman: Or a Guide to the Female Sex, 1696 Draw them...
(5) 1 rating

Wyatt's Cafeteria Pecan Delight Pie This looked too good not to post!
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Meringue Mushrooms

PERIOD: England, 17th Century SOURCE: Elinor Fettiplace’s Receipt Book, dated 1604. Volume 1, page 23 Lady Elinor...
(5) 1 rating

Candy Flowers Old Elizabethan Recipe

PERIOD: England, 17th Century SOURCE: The Queen-like Closet OR RICH CABINET: Scored with all manner of RARE...
(5) 1 rating

Cake Bread

PERIOD: England, 17th century SOURCE: Archimagirus Anglo-Gallicus; Or, Excellent & Approved Receipts and Experiments in Cookery, 1658 Cake...
(5) 1 rating

Roots in Honey

SOURCE: The Goodman of Paris, p.296 "Towards All Saint's Day [Nov. 1st] take large turnips and peel...
(5) 1 rating