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Food Bites & Articles

Janet's Notebook

Potato Ricer Earns Spot in Gadget Hall of Fame

This week's edition of the Notebook falls into the "Who Knew" category of kitchen gadgetry. I am constantly learning new tricks of the trade from you all, and a new favorite involves this little gadget: the potato ricer! Something of...

Janet's Notebook

Kids Find Ways to Get in on Kitchen Fun

As some of you may know, my little grandson Connor is an honorary member of the Just A Pinch Kitchen Crew. Like his grandma, he has a passion for cooking... and for eating! He has helped me out in the...

Janet's Notebook

Lemons Brighten Your Spring Menu

Sure, we may still be in the infant days of Spring, but I just can't help jumping feet-first into the spirit of the season! And nothing says warm weather to me more than the lively, crisp taste of lemon. And...

Janet's Notebook

Cracking the Secret to Perfect Eggs

This time of year eggs seem to be everywhere! If I'm not whipping up a batch of scrambled eggs for the morning rush, then I'm coaxing them into the form of the perfect Sunday Brunch quiche. And if your family...

Janet's Notebook

Sweeten Your Day with a Touch of Honey

Aspartame, saccharin, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose, stevia, refined sugar.... What's a sweet, healthy gal to do?! I've got a hankering for a natural sweet-tooth satisfier that doesn't pack on the guilt. Who's with me?Enter: Honey. That's right, that little...

Janet's Notebook

April 24th Blue Ribbon Showcase Promises Winning Combination

Last week I had the pleasure of announcing Jan Mullikin's Cream of Roasted Red Pepper Chicken Soup as the winning entry in our Just A Pinch Savory Soup Spectacular Contest. What you may have missed, however, is that Jan's prize...

Janet's Notebook

Jan Mullikin of Union, KY Wins Just A Pinch Contest with Roasted Red Pepper Soup!

We've boiled, we've simmered, we've done a LOT of tasting... and now the Kitchen Crew and I are proud to announce the winner of the Just A Pinch Savory Soup Spectacular Contest! Drum roll, please....Congratulations to JAN MULLIKIN of Union,...

Janet's Notebook

Taking a New Spice Route

Growing up I learned to waste not, want not. That was simply our way of life. Now as an adult, I challenge myself every day to be careful with pennies and use only the smallest amount of an ingredient necessary...

Janet's Notebook

Kids Make Kitchen a Warmer Place

As many of you know, my daughter-in-law Krissi is my right-hand gal in the Test Kitchen. We enjoy spending hours together whipping up your recipes and discovering new techniques and flavors. So, when my grandson Connor asked if he could...

Janet's Notebook

Squash Your Pasta Cravings!

Sure, I like winter squash - and I've certainly never turned down a plate of spaghetti and meatballs - but never in my wildest cooking dreams did I ever think that a squash could take the place of my beloved...

Janet's Notebook

Chocolate = Love

As we look to celebrate the ones we love this Valentine's Day, let us not forget that old adage that says the quickest way to the heart is through the stomach! That saying takes on a whole new meaning when...

Janet's Notebook

Are You Ready for Some Football…. Food?!

If your house is anything like mine then there is a special energy brewing in the air this time of year. No, not just because we're trying to avoid frostbite, but because it's SUPERBOWL time! Some of us are excited...

Janet's Notebook

Planning Tools of the Kitchen Trade

Planning is not something that comes easily to everyone. Believe me, I speak from experience! As many of you know, though, having children can whip even the most disorganized mama into shape! When my son was young I quickly came...

Janet's Notebook

A Variety of Peppercorns Can Spice Up Your Kitchen

I recently had a good friend ask me about the difference between cooking with black and white pepper. After thinking for a minute, I realized the only thing I could tell him for certain was that I'd always used white...

Janet's Notebook

Keep on the Shiny Side… and Other Kitchen Hints!

Have you checked out the great groups that are popping up in the Town Square? I'm absolutely blown away by the smarts you members have! One fun group called "Kitchen Hints" (started by member Pauline Greenwood) is helping spread the...

Janet's Notebook

Flour Power in 2010!

When I was a kid, we had a small glass canister that sat on the kitchen counter. On it was printed, "FLOUR". We never questioned the type of flour we used... In fact, back then I had no idea there...

Janet's Notebook

Members Reinvent Holiday Leftovers

Who says leftovers have to be boring?! In fact, I'm taking a stand and ringing in my New Year by giving a few Christmas leftovers a tasty makeover. I've been noticing that many of you have been posting inventive ways...

Janet's Notebook

Christmas Bark Sparks Holiday Memories

Mention Christmas Bark to a friend and it's quite likely their faces will turn to question marks. Give a friend a piece of Christmas Bark, on the other hand, and it's likely they'll have a story to share. This simple,...

Janet's Notebook

Family Recipes Add Special Flavor to Dinner Table

The cornerstone of good cooking often goes far beyond the four corners of the recipe page. Time and again I've heard friends declare that family recipes are the only ones they can truly rely on. Not only do they come...

Janet's Notebook

Soup is Thicker Than Water

Wintry weather is made for soup. Each year when that first frost settles around our house, you can bet I’ll be standing at the ready with soup pot in hand!One thing I’ve found – thanks to your great recipes –...