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Food Bites & Articles

Recipe Roundup

A Cake Fit for a King – The History of the King Cake

A king cake is a unique type of cake traditionally made twice a year. The cake symbolizes the three wise men or Kings who brought presents to baby Jesus. It is first made on the 12th day of Christmas. More...

Recipe Roundup

How to Host a Mardi Gras Party

Planning a Mardi Gras party? Here’s everything you need to make it seriously awesome and laissez les bons temps rouler! 1. Mardi Gras Themed Decor The three colors you need to stick to are purple, yellow and green - however,...

Janet's Notebook

Get Crockin’ in the Kitchen

Things have been so busy recently my slow cooker is getting quite the workout. Breakfast, dinner or dessert there's no meal the crock pot can't handle.Starting breakfast the night before means you can serve a super yummy meal for family...

Recipe Roundup

5 Different Delicious Margaritas You Need to Make

Are you searching for your lost shaker of salt yet? Well you better start because we heard it’s always 5 o’clock in Margaritaville. Say cheers to these absolutely amazing margarita recipes! 1. Top Shelf Margarita >>Click Here for Recipe

Recipe Roundup

The Margarita Mystery

The claim to fame about the beloved margarita may be up in the air forever. There are about as many stories and people claiming responsibility as lovers of the famous drink. Okay, maybe not that many… but there are a...

Recipe Roundup

The 11 Mint Chocolate Recipes of Your Dreams

These 2 flavors are mint to be together (see what we did there?) - check out these 11 delicious mint chocolate recipes!

Recipe Roundup

Healthy Foods You Should Be Incorporating Into Your Diet

When it comes to dieting in the New Year, you should be thinking more and not less. Whether you’re trying to lose a few pounds or just support a healthy energized body, the key is stocking your pantry full of...

Recipe Roundup

How to Up Your Vitamin D Intake in the Winter

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient that can be hard to get enough of, especially in the winter. It plays a significant role in promoting absorption of calcium during digestion as well as signaling bone building cells. Vitamin D is...

Recipe Roundup

Foods to Help Fight Inflammation

Right now, the words anti-inflammatory are hot in the news and media. The buzz has created a controversy; there are so many lists of anti-inflammatory foods out there it's hard to keep track. How do you know what you should...

Recipe Roundup

10 Hot Breakfast Recipes You Need to Make This Weekend

During the week, breakfast is consists of what's quick and easy or grab and go. But on the weekend, it's about sitting down at a table, catching up with family and enjoying a special breakfast. Here are 10 hot breakfast...

Janet's Notebook

Chocolate Recipes Guaranteed to Feed Your Cravings

Let's be real, in my mind chocolate should be its own food group. It's my weakness and I can never pass up a bite. Chocolate covered strawberries, cake, mousse, ice cream - it doesn't matter, I don't discriminate. I love...

Recipe Roundup

7 Ways to Improve Digestion

Many Americans struggle with poor digestion or symptoms of poor digestion at some point in their lives. Sometimes all it takes is to change a few simple things to get to feeling better quickly. Here are seven tips to help...

Recipe Roundup

5 Foods that Help Promote Heart Health

Recent information about heart health as related to nutrition is more confusing than ever. Luckily, there are more than a few foods that have stood the test of time as heart healthy options. TomatoesTomatoes are chock full of lycopene, a...

Recipe Roundup

Most Romantic Cities in the USA

“This heart of mine was made to travel the world.” – UnknownWhen thinking of romantic cities, Paris, Vienna, Florence, Dublin or maybe Edinburgh may come to mind. But there are many romantic cities a little closer to home in the...

Recipe Roundup

Don’t Be Afraid of the C Word – Carbs

Carbohydrates, the topic that will never cease to be fought, laughed, and cried about until the world ends. Why is there so much debate? Firstly, it’s because the total grams of carbohydrates your body needs is highly individualized. Secondly, it’s...

Recipe Roundup

18 Best Romantic Movies

We wish we knew how to quit these movies, but we don’t. Never let go of these amazing love stories.1. The Notebook (2004) Who to watch with: Your loved one.Our thoughts: Everything a date night movie needs, sports plus a...

Recipe Roundup

Is Valentine’s Day Really a Holiday?

Here is a debate you probably don’t want to get into with your spouse. Is Valentine’s Day a real holiday? Is there a real historical significance or does it come down to a branded American money making scheme? We did...

Janet's Notebook

A Sweet Start to the Day for Your Sweetheart

Valentine's Day is around the corner and I plan on showing my husband how much I care with a special breakfast. Typical weekday breakfasts are nothing elaborate, so I think he'll be excited to wake up to something memorable.Maybe I'll...