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Food Bites & Articles

Janet's Notebook

Home Cooks Converge to Celebrate Blue Ribbon Food

Home cooks can easily lose sight of how very special their everyday recipes truly are. In the rush of planning a meal, many a mom has forgotten that their daily dish is a veritable art form, the nuances of which...

Janet's Notebook

Reinvent Your Picnic Table with Perfect Pasta Salads

Picnic season is upon us! I'm so glad to see the sun again, and the grass between my toes has never felt better! Picnics are a big part of summertime for my family and me. Whether we pack our baskets...

Janet's Notebook

Pizza… Like You’ve Never Seen it Before!

"Ideas are like pizza dough, made to be tossed around." - Anna Quindlen, author and pizza fan. Well, at Just A Pinch we get to enjoy the best of both worlds: creative ideas ABOUT pizza! Whether intended to save time,...

Janet's Notebook

Get Ready for Summer with Cool Strawberry Treats

A few days ago I received a frantic call from a good friend. "Guess what just happened," she exclaimed! My mind began racing through the possibilities - car accident, broken bones, a lost job. All of the worst-case scenarios flashed...

Janet's Notebook

Korean Recipes Bring Spice to Everyday Cooking

Whether baked, grilled or fried, chicken is often the go-to dinner in kitchens all across the country (including mine!) While chicken is both affordable and versatile, I find that it's sometimes tough to make it, well, interesting. One solution to...

Janet's Notebook

Luscious Lemons Add Flavorful Twist to Mealtime

With the coming of warm weather so too comes my absolutely unquenchable thirst for homemade lemonade! The first batch of the season made an appearance at Easter dinner and now there's no going back. To me, lemons are like drops...

Janet's Notebook

Blue Ribbon Mom Wins “Rise ‘n’ Shine” Recipe Contest

And the winner is... Leah Stacey of Montgomery, AL! Leah and her savory Bacon and Green Onion Breakfast Tart have come out on top of the Just A Pinch Rise 'n' Shine Breakfast Challenge. The Crew and I faced quite...

Janet's Notebook

Ole! Guacamole Gets A Delicious Makeover

Mexican food is a well-known weakness of mine. I've been known to throw a fiesta at the drop of a sombrero, and I've never turned down a margarita... not once.Lately, I've been pondering all the many variations of the classic...

Janet's Notebook

Spring Into the Season with Sweet Easter Treats

Ok, cooks... It's time to spring into action, throw open those windows and let the food times roll! What better occasion than Easter to experiment with fun, new sweet treats that children of all ages will enjoy? For me this...

Janet's Notebook

Bring on the Bacon! Creative Recipes for a Classic Ingredient

When we recently unveiled the new themed collections of recipes on justapinch.com I was faced with a major dilemma: what ingredient deserves to be in the spotlight? I pondered and pondered... over coffee, through dinner, in my sleep and finally...

Janet's Notebook

Addictive Snacks Make the Most of Between Meal Munching

Limiting yourself to three meals a day is so last year. I'm all for a well-rounded diet, but I'm an even bigger fan of full tummies and yummy snacks!Members have been posting - and munching on - a ton of...

Janet's Notebook

Homemade Fast-Food? Become A Sandwich Artist!

Sometimes nothing hits the spot like a good old-fashioned sandwich. They're the original fast food... and when done right can make even the "Dollar Menu" seem expensive. In all my years of cooking I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't...

Janet's Notebook

Inventive Cookie Ideas for an Extra Sweet Spring

I don't know about you, but those sweet Girl Scouts and their addictive cookies sure did a number on my waistline this year! And they're not alone. I've never so enjoyed packing in the calories as I have taste-testing the...

Janet's Notebook

You Say “Potato”, I Say… “Yes, Please!

Potatoes are one of those funny foods that are just as suited to a lazy Saturday breakfast at home as they are a gussied-up fine-dining menu. Now, how often can you say that? It's a special ingredient, indeed, that finds...

Janet's Notebook

Short on Time, Money? Pasta Saves the Day!

Through my years of cooking for hungry family and friends, there has been one dish that has never failed me. It's quick and inexpensive to prepare, and doesn't require a whole lot of brain power (a good thing, when your...

Janet's Notebook

Grits Worth Kissin’: Southern Favorite Boasts Universal Appeal

"No self-respecting Southerner uses instant grits!"Ahem, I beg to differ! This line from the film My Cousin Vinny may have made the legal case for the lead character, but it doesn't hold water in my way of thinking. I also...

Janet's Notebook

Chili Peppers Add Heat, Flavor to Cold Weather Cooking

Sometimes the perfect thing for a cold day is to get a little hot and spicy! There are all kinds of hot peppers that will add that special kick to your cooking, but I've always been a little unsure about...

Janet's Notebook

Chocolate Chip Therapy Eases the Winter Blues

Last week sure was a doozie. With wintry weather, a busy bee schedule and a case of the sniffles, I sought refuge in my kitchen. All of the yummy Valentines Day recipes you members have shared sure did warm my...

Janet's Notebook

Blue Ribbon Showcase Honors Family-Friendly Cooking

"You all just don't understand how cool this is," exclaimed Family Holiday Traditions contest winner Missy Wimpelberg. Outfitted in a crisp new Just A Pinch apron, Missy stood excitedly before an audience of smiling faces during the recent Blue Ribbon...

Janet's Notebook

Spice Up the Big Game with All-Star Chili Recipes

I may not look it, but I know a thing or two about football... Tackling menus, passing dishes, intercepting fumbled napkins. Oh yes, football parties are my game and there's not a reason in the world why you can't score...