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Food Bites & Articles

Janet's Notebook

Mix-Up Your Traditional Dinner Tonight

We've been cooking like crazy in the Test Kitchen and last week I really did not feel like making dinner (and, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to eat either). So my husband and I went to one of...

Janet's Notebook

Chocolate, Oh How I Love Thee …

With Valentine's Day fast approaching, all the Kitchen Crew can think about is chocolate. Well, to be honest, we're always thinking about chocolate. But at this time of year our chocolate senses are heightened.From looking at recipes posted on Just...

Janet's Notebook

Let’s Get Crazy for Casseroles!

Casseroles come in all types and can include more ingredients than green beans and cream of mushroom soup. (Although ... I do love a good green bean casserole!). To me they are a perfect meal. Not sure if it's cold...

Janet's Notebook

Earn Extra Points and Serve these Game-Day Goodies!

Football season is reaching the finale! I'm sad to say my team didn't make it to the big game this year (again!). But that won't stop me from having some friends over and having a party. Whichever two teams are...

Janet's Notebook

Warm Up to Winter with Chili

There's nothing better than a big bowl of chili on a cold day. Something magical happens in the kitchen when you combine meat, beans and spices. The aroma (and taste!) just screams winter to me. And with so many types...

Janet's Notebook

We’re Having a Pizza Party

I love hosting pizza nights. But, I don't always call my favorite pizzeria. I love to whip up some great - and unusual - pies in my own kitchen. Making homemade pizza does not need to be hard. Some pizza...

Janet's Notebook

Big on Taste, Smaller in Size

While I love the holiday season - looking at the lights, visiting with friends, eating all the yummy, indulgent food - I am secretly happy when they are over. Once my last guest left on New Year's Day, I felt...

Janet's Notebook

Here’s to a Healthy New Year

Happy New Year! Say goodbye to 2013, 2014 is here. With the end of 2013 came a few extra pounds from all the delicious food I ate this holiday season. I'm not complaining - I LOVED every single bite and...

Janet's Notebook

Let’s Get Ready to Party!

We're only about a week away from the new year. If your year was anything like mine, 2013 flew by in the blink of an eye. This holiday season, I've been pretty busy. So, for New Years Eve, I'm staying...

Janet's Notebook

Sweet Memories

At this time of the year, I always find myself looking back fondly about the "good ole days." Sitting around campfires, or maybe relaxing in the cool breeze of a special summer evening. And who doesn't remember going to bed...

Janet's Notebook

Give the Gift of Food this Christmas

The Christmas countdown is on. I've made my list and checked it twice. You know I have been keeping my eyes open, so I already know who's been naughty or nice! This year, I've decided to make a few gifts...

Janet's Notebook

Cookie Season is Here

I just love the holiday season. Sometimes I think I should call it cookie season, after I finish making all of my holiday goodies. Remember ... calories don't count at Christmas, so feel free to sample as many as you...

Janet's Notebook

Soup-er Delicious Recipes

The days have gotten shorter and it's getting dark so much earlier now. Don't know about you, but I'm really missing the warm weather. I seem to have a little chill all the time these days. And want to know...

Janet's Notebook

Giving Thanks … For Some Wonderful Recipes!

How can the holiday season be here already? Wasn't it just New Year's and we were making resolutions for the year? (Which reminds me, I still need to work on a few of mine ...) I know each year I...

Janet's Notebook

Homemade Loaves of Happiness

Savory or sweet, there is is nothing better than homemade bread. The smells that come from the oven can have you impatiently watching the clock waiting for the finished product. For those that have never tried, making bread couldn't be...

Janet's Notebook

Nuts for Peanut Butter

I know I have shared this with you all before, but I have a big weakness for peanut butter. And recently, all I seem to want to do is grab a spoon, a jar and dig in. My craving is...

Janet's Notebook

Bake Sales Can’t Be Beat

From Halloween events at school, to church gatherings and fall festivals, there seems to be a bake sale everywhere I turn these days. I'm sure all you wonderful home cooks have been asked to contribute something from time to time....

Janet's Notebook

Wait for It … Slow Cooker Favorites

With the weather cooling down, it's the perfect time to create some delectable dishes with your slow cooker. Take this wonderful machine out of your cabinets, make room for it on the counter and get creative.Nancy Manlove has a creative...

Janet's Notebook

Passion for Pasta

Happy National Pasta Month! Have you noticed recently there seems to be a different food themed day for each day of the year? Believe me, I'm not complaining. To me, that means every day is another type of food to...

Janet's Notebook

How Do You Like Them Apples (Recipes!)

This past weekend I went apple picking with my grandson and had such an enjoyable day. There is something wonderful about being outside on a fall day that just makes everything perfect. We had so many laughs, and picked SOOO...