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Recipe Roundup

16 Fun Snow Day Activities

Hooray, it’s a snow day! Nothing’s quite as magical as waking up to a winter wonderland—or, for kids, finding out you get to stay home from school. So the next time you find yourself with a snow day, here are...

Janet's Notebook

Comforting Dinner Recipes to Brighten Up Your Day

It's been pretty gloomy this past week in my neck of the woods. One day it's warm and the next cold but, consistently rainy and dreary. When the weather is like this there is only one thing I want -...

Recipe Roundup

6 Tips to Posting a Recipe

Sharing recipes is fun and there aren't really any rules to writing a recipe. But, there are a few tips to follow to make sure you post the best possible recipe.1. A Simple Recipe Name.The title of the recipe should...

Food Bite

Say Cheese

Recipe Roundup

Ways to Add Some Pop to Popcorn

Movie theater classic gets elevated with these amazing recipes. Get poppin!German Chocolate Cake Caramel Popcorn"The first time I made this popcorn, I just added the coconut and pecans. It was great! We ate it like that a few times, then...

Recipe Roundup

How to Make the Perfect Cheese Plate

There’s nothing cheesy about it - no party is complete without the perfect cheese plate. So be a hero and learn how to make one. First, let’s start with the foundation for the perfect cheese plate, the platter. You have...

Recipe Roundup

What You Need for a Well-Stocked Pantry

Here’s everything you need to make sure that your pantry (and fridge) is fully stocked. Plus, we gave you the shelf life of all these must-have items.10 Obvious Must-Haves:1. Flour - can store up to a year in your pantry.2....

Janet's Notebook

Easy Homemade Soup Recipes

In my part of the country, one day it's cold the next it's warm. I'm not sure Mother Nature can figure out what season it is. Even if the weather is a tad warmer, around now in my house it's...

Recipe Roundup

What’s in Season This Winter

When thinking of winter, your thoughts may be of snow falling, colder temperatures, or hot cocoa by the fireplace... not necessarily eating fresh fruits and veggies. But you can! While lots are harvested year around these days, there are a...

Recipe Roundup

15 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Take another look at that apple cider vinegar lurking in your kitchen cabinets—you may be surprised to learn there’s a lot more to this common ingredient than salad dressing! Praised as everything from a health tonic to a skin cleanser,...

Recipe Roundup

How to Host a Stay-In Adult Game Night

Why go out, when you can stay in and play some super fun games? Just grab the snacks, drinks and card table and you’re good to go!Invite FriendsYes, believe it or not, you need to have friends at your house...

Recipe Roundup

13 Time-Saving Kitchen Gadgets

Everyone needs a few kitchen shortcuts. We've gathered 13 items that will save you time in the kitchen, and maybe your sanity too.Herb ScissorsSaves space and time... no more worries about where to store measuring spoons and cups. Folded, they'll...

Recipe Roundup

Foods to Help You Fight Colds This Winter

If there’s one thing winter’s famous for, it’s cold season. All it takes is one sniffling kid at daycare or one coworker with a cough to have you—and everyone around you—feeling under the weather. So this year when cold season...

Recipe Roundup

At Home Exercises to Try When You Can’t Get Outdoors

Sometimes in the winter, getting out of the house is 100% impossible. Between shopping, preparing, guests, and blizzards there is a good chance some days you won’t be able to make it to the gym.If you find yourself in that...

Recipe Roundup

5 TV Shows You Need to be Watching Now

1. This Is UsHave you seen #PrayforToby on your social media feeds and wondered who is Toby and why should I pray for him? Then you're probably not watching the most popular new fall show. Victoria, a diminutive, neglected teenager...

Recipe Roundup

Must-Have Tools for Setting up Your Kitchen

Setting up a kitchen takes years. It can be a bit overwhelming figuring out what is needed versus what's wanted. We chose 7 tools we can't live without in the Test Kitchen.A Good Set of KnivesIf you can invest in...