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Five Delicious Peanut Butter Recipes

Five Delicious Peanut Butter Recipes

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert… I seriously could enjoy peanut butter at every meal. If you’re like me, then this Janet’s Notebook is for you. I’m sharing five delicious peanut butter recipes that satisfy any craving.

When I’m on the go and don’t have time to sit down for a proper breakfast, I love to have Sarah Farrand’s (Saginaw, MI) No-Bake Energy Bites handy.

“This ridiculously easy snack food is great for a quick boost of energy,” shares Sarah. “It is so versatile that you can make it with your own favorites… add dried fruits, substitute nut butter, use all flax, don’t toast your coconut.. whatever you like!”

Energy and flavor?! I love these bites. Honey and mini chocolate chips add a touch of sweetness. Creamy peanut butter is mixed with old-fashioned oats, toasted coconut, and other goodies for a bite-size ball of goodness.

Cindy Sandberg’s (Carlisle, IN) Peanut Butter and Jelly French Toast is a PB&J lover’s dream.

“Two kid favorites combined into one delicious treat,” is how Cindy describes her recipe. “I put this together on a whim for the kids one day and they LOVED it. I guess I’m a kid at heart because I thought it was pretty great too!”

The sandwich is like stuffed French toast with your favorite jelly. The French toast is really good alone, but the peanut butter syrup sends it over the top. All warm and gooey, this is so good.

I love dinner recipes that are super easy to prepare and pack a punch of great flavors. Myra Wynne’s (Kingston, TN) Jim’s Peanut Butter Chicken is one of those recipes.

“When my husband cooks, it’s a little of this and a spoonful of that; he NEVER measures anything,” explains Myra. “However, when he created this one, it got a 10 from everyone in the family. I literally had him remake it later in the day so I could measure the ingredients before they went into the pot.”

The sauce is sweet, spicy, and peanut buttery. Each ingredient compliments the other. The flavors remind us of a few Thai dishes we’ve tried. Serve over a bed of warm rice and you have a delicious meal.

Another tasty recipe that can use extra rice is Tosca Teklu’s (Walla Walla, WA) Panang Curry.

“I love Thai food and Panang curry is one of my favorites,” reveals Tosca.

Panang curry is one of my favorite Thai dishes, too. The beauty of this recipe is that you can prepare it the way you like.

Tosca’s version is fantastic. He adds a bit of heat by using tabasco sauce. It gives the dish a nice kick of flavor. The mix of curry paste with peanut butter and coconut milk creates a fantastic blend of flavors. They just melt in your mouth.

“I made this in a pinch with ingredients I had sitting in the pantry,” says Mary Ann F. (San Diego, CA). “The cake is pretty darn tasty even without the frosting. My peanut butter-loving family says this is now their favorite dessert.”

Mary Ann’s Easy Peanut Butter Cake & Peanut Butter Frosting is a must-make for any peanut butter lover. It’s so good, it may convert non-peanut butter fans. You taste the peanut butter in every layer of the moist cake and creamy frosting.

I’m nuts for these Blue Ribbon recipes! If you love peanut butter as I do, I have a very important question for you. What’s better – crunchy or smooth peanut butter? Share your opinion below and Happy Pinching!