grilled bacon wrapped vidalia onions

Recipe by
beth norred
LaGrange, GA

This is one of the most DELICIOUS appetizer/sides. Anyone who loves bacon and vidalias will absolutely LOVE this recipe. My family would like to have this at every outing. Friends love it also. EVERYONE wants the recipe. You just cant imagine how delicious the flavors are on this TREAT..

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yield 6 -8
prep time 30 Min
cook time 40 Min
method Grill

Ingredients For grilled bacon wrapped vidalia onions

  • 2 lg
    onions, vidalia, peeled,
  • 1 lb
    thin cut hickory smoked bacon
  • 4-6 Tbsp
    light brown sugar
  • 3-4 Tbsp
    balsamic vinegar
  • 4-5 Tbsp
    molasses or maple syrup
  • 1 box
    long wooden toothpicks

How To Make grilled bacon wrapped vidalia onions

  • 1
    Mix brown sugar/vinegar/molasses or Maple syrup and set aside.
    Cut Vidalia’s into 1/2" to 1" wedges. Throw away (or chop up for other uses) the few center pieces. You need a flat surface to stick picks through
  • 2
    wrap each wedge center to center (around) with a 1/2 piece of bacon, top to bottom corner.
    Stick pick through bacon and onion. All the way through onion. This holds together while grilling. keeps from falling apart
  • 3
    Lay out a single layer of wedges/wrapped and put a spoonful of sauce mixture on each onion. This is thick and will soak in good. After each piece has sauce on it. Cover and place in fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight. Flip container over 1/2 way through if possible so liquid soaks in onions good.
  • 4
    Preheat grill to 300-350*
    It is a lot less messy to grill if you use an aluminum pan with holes in it on the grill. (dollar store) or a nonstick grill pad.
    cook until bacon is done and serve soon as possible.
    You will LOVE easier than i make it sound. ;o)