citrus marinated leg of lamb

Recipe by
Rose Mary Mogan
Sauk Village, IL

Another item I made especially for my husband for Father's Day. One of his favorite items to eat, although I do not make it too often, because of the cost. Weighing in at almost 9 pounds, and costing $6.49 per pound, can become quite an expensive meal. But it was better than a few racks of lamb at $18.00 per pound, plus I got a lot more meat. He is worth it at least one day of the year. His special day. He loved it, and that made me happy, it is quite time consuming if you really want it to be impressive and taste amazing. I glazed it during the last 15 minutes with Mint Jelly and white wine.

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prep time 12 Hr 45 Min
cook time 1 Hr 45 Min
method Bake

Ingredients For citrus marinated leg of lamb

  • 1
    leg of lamb, boned 6-8 3/4 pounds
  • 1/2 c
    lemon juice
  • 1 c
    orange juice
  • 2 c
    white wine
  • 3 Tbsp
    penzey's bavarian seasoning(a blend of rosemary,garlic, thyme,bay leaves, sage & crushed brown mustard)
  • 3 Tbsp
    fresh parsley, chopped fine
  • 1/2 c
    olive oil
  • 6 clove
    garlic minced plus 1 tbs. black pepper
  • 2 Tbsp
    steak seasoning ( more or less depending on size of roast)
  • 1 Tbsp
    garlic powder
  • 10-12 clove
    garlic cut into slivers
  • 1/3 c
    olive oil or non stick cooking spray

How To Make citrus marinated leg of lamb

  • Whole Leg of Lamb DEBONED, before it was marinated for Citrus Marinated Leg of Lamb. This is what the Leg of lamb looked like before marinating.
    In a medium size bowl add all of the marinade ingredients together and pulse with a submersion blender , food processor or blender, till blended, and somewhat emulsified. Then add roast to a large gallon bag, add the marinade, and try to coat the entire roast. Close if possible. Then put in a second gallon bag in case there are leaks and place in a large bowl. Marinade over night. Turn a few times to assure all of roast is being marinated.

    Remove from refrigerator at least 1 to a hour and a half before ready to roast in oven. This allows the meat to come to room temperature, so as not to prolong the cooking time. Pat dry with paper towels. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  • Citrus Marinated Leg of Lamb after being marinated for 11 hours. Removed from fridge to allow to come to room temperature for at least 1 and a half hours before going into oven. This Boneless Roast weighed 8 and 3/4 pounds. I had the butcher bone & tie it
    While roast is resting. Take the small tip part of a sharp knife and make little deep holes into the roast,you may need to wiggle tip of knife around a bit to get garlic cloves to fit. Do this over the entire surface of the roast.If possible work pieces of garlic into the crevices where lamb has been tied together with string.
  • 3
    Now mix the steak seasoning with the garlic powder in a small bowl, and sprinkle liberally over the entire surface of the roast, both top and bottom. now drizzle with the olive oil or spray liberally with the non stick cooking spray. Spray meat rack with cooking spray, and set in large roasting pan.
    Now add roast to rack, and place in preheated 450 degree F. oven. Allow to roast in oven for 20 minutes.
  • 4
    Now reduce temperature to 325 degrees F. and allow roast to cook until internal temperature reaches 145 degrees F. for medium rare. Check after 1 hour and 45 minutes. Keep in mind temperature will rise at least about 10 degrees after removing from oven.Each time you open the oven door you loose heat, so minimize how often you open the oven door.
  • 5
    During last 15 minutes of cooking. Brush top of roast with a combination of about one half cup of Mint jelly mixed with 2 Tablespoons of white wine. Brush over surface of lamb. Garnish with lemon Halves and sprigs of Rosemary or parsley if desired.
  • Citrus Marinated Leg of Lamb, after the lamb had rested, I carved it and adorned the platter with garnishes of Lemons and Green Cherries to match the Green Mint Jelly that I used.
    Temperatures for meat, Rare 135 Degrees F. Medium Rare145 Degrees F. Medium 160 degrees, Well done 170 degrees F. Allow roast to stand at least 10 minutes before carving. I use an electric knife, for nice even slices.
  • 7
    Note if the roast has a bone in it it will take longer to cook. If the bone has been removed, please make sure it has been tied with string for even cooking. Your roast will depend on the size as to when it is cooked to your taste, the larger the roast the longer it will take, if you put it in the oven cold it will take longer to cook also. My inspiration for this recipe came from simply Recipes web site and Start cooking, I made changes but they were my inspiration for this recipe. My husband was very pleased. It is time consuming but worth the efforts.