canning moose

Recipe by
Sherry Blizzard
Piney Flats, TN

Isn't it nice when you already have food available that doesn't have to be defrosted and cooked?

You just open the jar, add the spices you want, and whala! You have spaghetti or tacos, or lasagna or stroganoff or whatever your hear desires.

Before your meat begins to freezer-burn, consider cooking and canning it to be used later on.

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yield 14 + depending on the recipe
prep time 1 Hr 20 Min
cook time 1 Hr 15 Min
method Canning/Preserving

Ingredients For canning moose

  • 4 lb
    moose, beef, venison...ground or cut into chunks
  • 1/2 tsp

How To Make canning moose

  • From Instagram:
    Cook moose...If using chunks, just boil until done. Strain the liquid using a cheesecloth lined colander (just because I like a clear don't have to do this.
  • From Instagram:
    I wash my jars in bleach water and then water boil them for at least 15 minutes to sanitize.
  • From Instagram: Bring broth up to boil and sanitize lids.
    Boil another clean pot of water with your jar lids while you are filling the jars with cooked meat.
  • From Instagram: Fill jars with meat add boiling water to 1
    Add enough water to come to within 1" of the top of the jar. Run a knife through the jar to remove air bubbles.
  • 5
    Run a wet paper towel around each jar top to remove any debris. Now put a clean and dried HOT lid on the jar and run your finger around the rim. Attach the jar band.
  • 6
    Place in hot water in pressure canner. Attach the lid and let the steam escape about 3 minutes before attaching the pepcock. Bring to 11 psi and try to remain that temp....around 4-5 or medium heat. Do not let the pressure go below 11 or start the time all over again. When 75 minutes is up, turn off the pressure canner and allow it come to a full release...the gauge will register 0 the pressure valve will go down.
  • From Instagram: 7 jars of moose meat.
    Remove the lid AWAY FROM can burn yourself with the steam....remove the lid facing away. Using canning grips, remove jars to a flat space. They may have already sealed.