slippery elm tea

Recipe by
Stormy Stewart
Mio, MI

Slippery Elm is a major ingredient of this beloved tea that my hubby swears by Yogi "Throat Confort".

Slippery elm is often used in the treatment of inflamed digestive conditions such as colitis, diarrhea, duodenal ulcers, enteritis and gastritis. It also may soothe coughs, colds and sore throats and is an ingredient of somecough lozenges and cough syrups. In a poultice, it treats abscesses, boilsminor burn and wounds.

If making your own use the inner bark of the tree provides the greatest therapeutic benefit.

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yield 1 cup
prep time 5 Min

Ingredients For slippery elm tea

  • 1 Tbsp
    slippery elm bark (powdered)
  • 1 c
    boiling water
  • 1 Tbsp
    organic unsulfured blackstrap molasses or other sweetener
  • 2-3 oz
    light coconut milk or other milk
  • 1 dash
    cinnamon or nutmeg for added flavor if desired

How To Make slippery elm tea

  • 1
    add boiling water to cup , add powdered bark and stir well add any extras you prefer and enjoy a throat soothing drink