shredded wheat bread

Recipe by
Gail Herbest
Bangor, ME

Making bread is one of my favorite things to do, I found this in an old bread cook book I have. It makes one big loaf of bread, you can make 2 smaller loaves if you prefer. This has a really nice texture and flavor.

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prep time 2 Hr
cook time 35 Min

Ingredients For shredded wheat bread

  • 2 lg
    shredded wheat biscuits, or 1 cup of grape-nuts
  • 2 c
    boiling water
  • 1/4 c
    ganulated sugar
  • 1/4 c
  • 3 tsp
  • 1 tsp
  • 4 c
    flour, all purpose flour plus 1/2-1 cup more when kneading dough

How To Make shredded wheat bread

  • 1
    Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  • 2
    combine crumbled shredded wheat with the boiling water, sugar, and butter, give it a quick stir and let sit, cool until only lukewarm
  • 3
    add in the yeast and stir until dissolved.
  • 4
    Blend in the salt and the flour, then transfer to a oiled bowl, cover and let sit until doubled,(about 40 minutes)
  • 5
    Punch dough down and on a bread board knead the dough adding more flour if necessary to make a firm dough that can be easily shaped
  • 6
    shape dough into a loaf and and place in buttered bread pan, cover and let rise again until doubled,
  • 7
    Bake in preheated oven about 30-40 minutes or until hollow sounding when tapped and top is golden, ( about 30 minutes in my oven)
  • 8
    You can use 1 cup of Grape-nuts instead of shredded wheat I have only made this recipe with the shredded wheat. If you prefer you can shape dough in to rolls, and bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes