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Basic Fluffy White Rice

Basic Fluffy White Rice was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"If you find making a perfect pot of white rice a challenge, you're not alone. Fluffy and tender rice is something that can elude even seasoned chefs. Here's a tip: Be sure not to skip the resting step at the end: as the rice sits off the heat, the moisture in the rice redistributes itself for a more uniform texture throughout the pot. For more help achieving perfect rice every time, readÂHow to Cook Rice PerfectlyÂandÂThe Science of Cooking Rice.ÂYou can also download a detailed chart onÂHow to Cook Rice, including 14 varieties and 5 common cooking methods, and watch a video detailingÂstep-by-step how to cook rice...."

1 cup long-grain white rice
Unsalted butter or olive oil (optional)
Kosher salt (optional)
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