texas dove recipe

Private Recipe by
Raven Higheagle
Prescott, AZ

Dove season begins in September in Texas. My Dad, brother and I would go every season. We would bring the doves home and my mother would take last seasons catch out of the freezer and replace them with the new seasons catch. When asked why she never cooked them she replied she didn't know how!

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yield serving(s)
prep time 15 Min
cook time 10 Min
method Grill

Ingredients For texas dove recipe

  • 10
    dove breasts
  • 1 gal
  • 5
    jalepenos, cut in half and seeded
  • 1 lb
  • your favorite barbecue sauce for basting while cooking

How To Make texas dove recipe

  • 1

    Obtain a good dove lease or acquire acreage that attracts doves. When September 1st arrives each year, obtain some of your friends and substantial refreshments to engage in the hunt.
    Arrive at the hunting scene and place your friends at least 200 yards away, since most of them are probably dangerous with a gun!
    Proceed to shoot dove, but not beyond the limits set each year by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission.
    Have your friends clean the dove while you appear busy straightening up the area where the hunt was conducted.
    After obtaining the largest number of birds possible that can be negotiated with your friends, take the birds home and have them properly cleaned.
  • 2

    Using only the dove breast, simmer a pan of milk.

    Place the number of dove you desire to cook into the pan and allow the dove to simmer in the milk for about 2 to 3 minutes.
  • 3
    Remove the dove from the pan and place 2 of the dove breasts together with a half of a jalapeno pepper between the 2 breasts.
  • 4
    Wrap the 2 breasts with bacon and secure with a toothpick.

    Depending on the weather, the birds may then be baked or grilled with your favorite barbecue sauce applied to the birds.
  • 5
    The jalapeno flavors the birds. The milk tenderizes the birds and the bacon sweetens the flavor to remove any wild taste.
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