Want one easy way to increase your luck in the New Year? Eat!
Chowing down on certain foods on New Year’s Eve is said to bring you luck. There are also a few foods you’ll want to think twice about eating…
Lucky Foods
Green Foods = Money
Resembles green US cash.
Legumes = Coins
Used for currency in the past and resembles coins.
Pork = Progress
A long-standing tradition in the US and other areas of the world, pigs are known to symbolize progress because they root themselves in the ground before pushing forward. It is common to pair legumes and pork together.
Grains = Abundance
Since grains are often grown in abundance.
Cornbread = Gold
Popular in the southern states in the US.
Noodles = Longevity
It’s popular in Asian culture to eat soba or buckwheat noodles at midnight. Make sure not to cut them accidentally or on purpose, this symbolizes cutting someone’s life short! Sounds like it might be a stressful meal.
Grapes = Predict the Future!
In Mexico and South America, it is a tradition to eat 12 grapes before the clock finishes striking midnight, one for each month. If you get a sour one, that month is said to be unlucky.
Round Fruit (Such as Oranges) = Good Luck
Eat 13 if you live in the Philippines and 12 if you live in the US (for each month of the year). It symbolizes good luck!
Pomegranates = Luck, Fertility & Prosperity
In Turkey the healthful properties of pomegranates are said to promote luck and health including fertility. Their round seeds symbolize prosperity.
Ring Shaped Cakes = Coming Full Circle
Often cakes are baked with a coin inside. The finder of the coin is thought to have the best luck that year!
Herring = Luck and Abundance
Their scales are said to shine like money and they swim in schools of abundance.
Unlucky Foods
Ill-advised because it moves backward symbolizing setbacks.
Ill-advised because it scratches backward symbolizing drawbacks.
Poultry or Fowl
Your good fortune could quite literally fly away.
White Foods
In Asian culture white food symbolize death so those are strictly avoided.
Considered bad luck especially if cut into or brought on a boat.
In Italy the superstition is that sniffing basil will lead a scorpion to your brain.
Thought to be bad luck to gift it (not sure why you would).
Hallow Bread
Superstition is that it symbolizes a coffin so you might want to pass on the bread.
One last thought… Make sure to leave a little something on your plate during that midnight meal. This is thought to lead to prosperity and full cupboards in the upcoming year!